
“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”


Clay kept following me, showing up in my pockets or stuck in my hair. Happiness and peace of mind come when my hands are in the dirt or cool, wet clay, creating.

My love of clay began in east Texas, at my grandparents’ farm while fishing during a drought. Caught a big catfish that got stuck in the thick silt of the pond so I kicked off my chucks and squished through the muddy muck to retrieve my prize catch of the day. At that moment I thought I might not make it back to dry land but thought how cool and soft the mud was…. at that moment I realized I was a “Mud Monster” at heart. Next thing you know I’m covered in thick dark east Texas clay from head to toe! 

Earth grounds me, is my companion and fellow traveler.

After 25-ish years of being a Stylist of product catalogs and advertising photography, I took a leap of faith to allow my heart’s desire to flourish and it has! With the unexpected support and promotion by the nationally known interior designer Jan Showers, I am well on my way to becoming the creative artist I always dreamt of.

Let’s see what happens next!

Grateful Beyond Measure